Sunday, 28 February 2010

Windows you notice

Me and Luke spend the morning in town to have a look at some retail graphics, mostly window displays, just to see what other company's were currently doing to draw in customers.

Diesel - Very simple typography graphics applied to the windows in a bold colour, it dominantly made us notice, but i just don't know what its trying to say.

M&S - We really like the use of the 3D type in the windows, we were thinking something like this for H.Samuel's tag line 'helps say it better', here M&S have used really fresh colours that match to their stock.

Harvey Nicks - They are know for their over the top elaborate window displays and they haven't disappointed this season either, its very fun very colourful but all a bit random as well which i guess is the point of it being a visually lead display rather than concept driven.

French Connection - Luke first spotted these in magazines and they work even better on the shops, we like the idea of having one display window and one advert, so not showing everything and gives the overall display more dimension.

This was in a very up market jewellery store and i was quite surprised by this, i always feel that upper class jewellery shops have a very generic classic look for their displays but this was something really different that caught out eyes. It adds something to the whole store, a little bit of character and just a bit more thought to the displays. We are hoping to use some cut shapes like these within out visuals.

Crabtree & Evelyn

Reiss -


The Picture House

Shared Earth

Saturday, 27 February 2010

What is the problem and how can it be solved?

Brief Title - H.Samuel

What is the problem?
  • They want more customers
  • They are useful but no-one uses our service
  • We are seen as old fashioned
  • We are loosing customers

We intend to promote H.Samuel to a group of young fashionable 18-30 year old and persuade them to shop there all year round.

In order to this i will produce in store visuals and point of sales, including potential window displays and in store imagery, also printed promotional materials, such as packaging materials and advertisements.

This will be produced using hand rendered resolutions and print finish techniques, also cutting techniques and paper engineering.

Friday, 26 February 2010

Working in two's

Here is THE contract, we have wrote down all our roles as individuals and as a team and what our responsibilities will be throughout this project. Lets hope that it all goes to plan.

The YCN competition briefs

These are 4 of the brands that had briefes in the competion, we were asked to look at a brief that was a good collabrative brief, one as an individual brief and one breif that we were not interested in doing at all.

I chose the H.Samuel brief as a good colabrative brief for these 5 reason;
  • It can initialy involve retail graphics which is something that me or Luke have never done before and would be interested in exploring it.
  • There is a local shop in Leeds and surrounding areas so can easily visit the shop and gather any research/infomation that we needed
  • This didn't jump out as being a popular brief as some of the others did, and so there would be less competition.
  • There current design/identiy hasnt been updated for a while and so we want to bring them up to date.
  • The brief itself has been left quite open so we have been able to come up with lots of different concepts and ideas.

Perfect creative partner search starts here

We are just about to start out collabrative work for a competition brief, so each of us made personal adds selling out 10 best qualities and skills and advertising for someone who has the skills that we need in a creative partner.

This were my two adds, the top image is advertising for a partner and the bottom is advertising myself. I chose to do them both very hand rendered and collage them to show my love of hand rendering and paper. Two of my weakest points are digital softwear skill and idea generating so my partner had to have these two skills.

This is Lukes personal adds, one on the left is for himself and the right is for a creative partner, he had highlighted the two skills that i wanted and he was looking for the skills that i had.

These are all the adds from the whole class, a great range of different styles and approaches.

Sunday, 14 February 2010


This module was completely out of my comfort zone and I really thought I would struggle with the technical side of it, however I was surprised how easy I relaxed into it. After the workshops on After Effects I found it quite easy to go back into the program and be able to create something without much help or trouble. I dint think I could pick up a program as quick as I did. Therefore I was able to pick up a few basic skills and was able to use this to produce some effective animations for both silent movie and the movie season.

When we started using DVD Studio Pro, I did realise how organised we had to be for it, even though I was extremely organised on my laptop with files, having no space on my account on the College computers I was having to move all my files from the user work folder to my laptop every time I wanted to use it which went wrong a few times and I had to waste time linking files back from my laptop. Also when using this program we had to have our videos rendered which was fine for the Movie season videos but I was unable to get some of the original footage from the silent movies as I didn’t realise we were going to need it and took them of my account to make more space. Therefore there is one of my silent movies that isn’t on my DVD and one that has missing files (even though I had linked these up again twice), I thought we were going to be able to upload the quick time movies onto our DVD.

When it came to researching into TV animations I found it quite hard to find what I was looking for, most of the idents, adverts, title sequences that I had seen on TV or on movies, I was unable to find on ‘youtube’ or other such sites and so couldn’t reference them properly in my research.

Storyboarding was a big part of this module and I feel that I just didn’t understand what was exactly needed, even though I had produced some storyboards for each ident I didn’t quite feel I had 60% worth of ‘Design for Digital’ work to back up my animations. I also didn’t really see the point in the screen grabs that we included in our DVDs so I dint know how many frames were appropriate to show.

I was actually really happy with my final 5 idents, even though I wanted to go back over a few of them if I had time, I feel that I had successfully answered the brief. At the beginning I was struggling with ideas of how to animate the still I had taken from the actually movies but after the first crits it had been suggested that I focus on other elements for my animations such as the typography and the bats, therefore I tried to keep this a theme running through the idents.

5 things I will do differently:
1. I NEEDED to do more sketching, i had barley enough initial storyboards and ideas to show my development.
2. My organisation on my computer was very organised but i need to be organised in planning my time, when I'm going to need things by.
3. I always forget to tag my blog posts, so by the end i always have a massive job going through them all and tagging them with the module code.
4. I would like to have experimented more with the DVD menu, i was hoping to have it animate throughout each menu but i ran out of time and hadn't planned anything for it earlier.
5. I would be more prepared for the crits that we had, for the first group crit i didn't have all my storyboards and so i missed out on more constructive feedback.

Attendance: 5
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 5
Commitment: 5
Quantity of work produced: 4
Quality of work produced: 5

Friday, 12 February 2010


I have chosen to design and make 5x10 second idents for a 1950s Movie season on Channel 5. I am aiming this at an older generation of people who would remember these films when they were first brought out. I have chosen channel 5 to broadcast these films as the audience of channel 5 are usually of an older generation and they tend to show an older variety of movies.

The tone of voice that I will be using will be of slight humour but quite ‘cheesy’ to keep with the style of the movies and their posters back in the 50’s.

I will be using stills from the posters and the films in my animations to show straight away the style and era that I have chosen, I will also have other animated elements to the idents such as bats, type and frame. The colour pallet will be quite vivid to keep with the style, but I still want to involve greyscale imagery from the movies themselves.

Final Packaging

This is the final packaging for my DVD, i have tried to keep the overall structure quite simple and focus on the design itself.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

DVD screen shots

These screen shots show the process that i took to produce my dvd menu.

i used a few slideshows inmy dvd and setting it up was quite easy but you had to remember to pause certain pages and set the time on others.

The buttons were the hardest thing for me, remebering to have layerd files and overlays, but having to do so many i finally got the hang of it.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Screen Grabs of Idents

These are the screen grabs from my 5 final idents, im not really sure of the puropse of these as they seem to be something in between the storyboards and the actual animations.

Ident 5

This is my final ident, not finished but on its way. It is a bit more sophisticated than the rest as im finsing new effects and techniques on After Effects, i am hoping to have time to go back over a few of the others and make them flow a bit more like this ident.

Vampire Season Ident 5 from Rebecca Liggins on Vimeo.

Ident 4

This ident was the hardest to do for me so far, iv got the idea if what i want but just doing it is proving more difficult, however it dose look very cheesy and quite 'bad' as things did in the 1950s compaired to now so im not to worried.

Vampire season ident 5 from Rebecca Liggins on Vimeo.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Typography Elective session 4

So this was looking using type and image on a page, this was my first attempt


Ident 5

Ident 1

Ident 2

Ident 3

Ident 4