This module was completely out of my comfort zone and I really thought I would struggle with the technical side of it, however I was surprised how easy I relaxed into it. After the workshops on After Effects I found it quite easy to go back into the program and be able to create something without much help or trouble. I dint think I could pick up a program as quick as I did. Therefore I was able to pick up a few basic skills and was able to use this to produce some effective animations for both silent movie and the movie season.
When we started using DVD Studio Pro, I did realise how organised we had to be for it, even though I was extremely organised on my laptop with files, having no space on my account on the College computers I was having to move all my files from the user work folder to my laptop every time I wanted to use it which went wrong a few times and I had to waste time linking files back from my laptop. Also when using this program we had to have our videos rendered which was fine for the Movie season videos but I was unable to get some of the original footage from the silent movies as I didn’t realise we were going to need it and took them of my account to make more space. Therefore there is one of my silent movies that isn’t on my DVD and one that has missing files (even though I had linked these up again twice), I thought we were going to be able to upload the quick time movies onto our DVD.
When it came to researching into TV animations I found it quite hard to find what I was looking for, most of the idents, adverts, title sequences that I had seen on TV or on movies, I was unable to find on ‘youtube’ or other such sites and so couldn’t reference them properly in my research.
Storyboarding was a big part of this module and I feel that I just didn’t understand what was exactly needed, even though I had produced some storyboards for each ident I didn’t quite feel I had 60% worth of ‘Design for Digital’ work to back up my animations. I also didn’t really see the point in the screen grabs that we included in our DVDs so I dint know how many frames were appropriate to show.
I was actually really happy with my final 5 idents, even though I wanted to go back over a few of them if I had time, I feel that I had successfully answered the brief. At the beginning I was struggling with ideas of how to animate the still I had taken from the actually movies but after the first crits it had been suggested that I focus on other elements for my animations such as the typography and the bats, therefore I tried to keep this a theme running through the idents.
5 things I will do differently:1. I NEEDED to do more sketching, i had barley enough initial storyboards and ideas to show my development.
2. My organisation on my computer was very organised but i need to be organised in planning my time, when
I'm going to need things by.
3. I always forget to tag my blog posts, so by the end i always have a massive job going through them all and tagging them with the module code.
4. I would like to have experimented more with the DVD menu, i was hoping to have it animate
throughout each menu but i ran out of time and
hadn't planned anything for it earlier.
5. I would be more
prepared for the
crits that we had, for the first group
crit i
didn't have all my storyboards and so i missed out on more constructive feedback.
Attendance: 5
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 5
Commitment: 5
Quantity of work produced: 4
Quality of work produced: 5