Friday 14 May 2010

Pattern Development

After the crits last week it was clear that they thought i should go back to the hand rended approach as they felt it really worked, so iv decided to use these cut out paper shapes to produce the patterns on the back of the labels.
From the paper cut outs iv live traced them into Illustrator so i keep the hand drawn line but i can easily repeat it and manipulate it.

I wanted something really simple that wouldn't distract from the information, all these shapes work well i think, even if some look like pacman, but i need one that will repeat easily.

These are just a few i tried and im really happy with them. at a smaller scale they dont look like much but i will be using them on a larger scale on the packaging so it will work well.

Here is the final design that i have chose, this will go on all the cheese packaging and the colour and opacity will be changed depending on which cheese it is and what colours have been used on the label already.

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