Tuesday 11 May 2010

The Big Cheese

The first idiom that i am working with is 'The Big Cheese' iv experimented with the typeface, layout, colour and size to produce a typographical layout for the packaging. 

After asking a few people of their responses to the initial typographic ideas i took this one on and developed it more, looking at the colours and very simple changes that I would make. The line weight, the colour opacity, the orientation, the visibility of letters, all gave the typographic layout a different message.
I am also considering different types of cheese to package so colour will play a big role in determining each layout and which is best for which cheese.

I very quickly applied three of these designs to an 'ASDA' cheese label to see what the composition of it looked like. Also to see what the range of labels looked like together as i still want unity within the product.
For the Mild White Cheddar, i kept with the yellow colour to show a lighter almost weaker element to the cheese,
For the Red Leicester i chose reds and oranges to represent the colour of the cheese.
Then for the Double Gloucestershire I used the orange fill colour and a dark grey which I think shows the stronger taste of this cheese compared to the other two.

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