Tuesday 4 May 2010

A brief summary

What am I trying to communicate?
I want to communicate a sense of history and meaning to phrases we use every day. I want to inform them of where they came from, what they actually meant and were used for their origin.

I find the old tails and myths really interesting and seeing where the truths lie, I'm trying to get people to understand them or at least  think about these phrases we use everyday without knowing why we use them.

What am I doing?
I'm going to produce a range of print based products that typographically illustrate these stories and folk tails around the idioms we use. products such as calendars and pocket books are a more relaxed media as I don't want to bombard my audience. Also a hand rendered approach will keep the designs relaxed and informal.

I want to inform my audience in a friendly relaxed way to get them to understand why we say what we say. I think we throw to many phrases around without understanding them and     so making it harder for people to integrate into our culture. 

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