Tuesday, 2 February 2010

5 Questions

  1. would it be more effective to have each page of the dvd menu e.g. 'main menu', 'movie season', 'silent movie', animated in the same simple way as the main menu animation i have done, rather than still images?
  2. should i have the animated bat in each of my idents to keep that link between them, as i have used it in 2 already.
  3. im a bit unclear about the 'design for digital' i have some storyboards but what else are they looking for?
  4. is the sound effective enough without having voice overs aswell in my idents? i kind of wanted the music to just show the genre.
  5. are the animations working in the 'cheesy' 1950's style or are they looking a bit simple and rubbish, please be honest then i can actually work on it. its harder than it looks trying to be cheesy rather than crap.
ALL of my videos are on here but they are spaced out over different posts, if you want to look at them all together then they are all on my vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Becca :]

    Really liking the idents so far! You've definitely his the nail on the head when it comes to style of the era, the music, the typefaces, the imagery. Everything, well done you.

    You've got stacks of research into your chosen movies, which is great, looking at the style of movie posters and the like has clearly influenced your resolutions.

    As much as I love your channel five logo with the bat, which you should definitely keep, by the way, in all your idents because it's really consistent and it completely works. Is channel five really the appropriate channel? Because generally speaking it's a family viewing channel, and 1950's vampire movies is a very niche market.

    Yes, we think you should animate your menus, it would keep the whole thing very consister and it just works really well. Maybe try having the gravestones crooked instead of all straight? Just a thought. Also, the text on your menu is much to dark to be read.

    I think you should put more of your storyboards up to show us how you got to where you are now.

    The music is great, really fitting with the subject and the time.

    We really love the collagey idea that you've gone with. What's stopping you from collaging whole idents? The mix of collage and vector is a tad wierd. Have you looked at collaging the bats?

    What about bat sounds? Flapping? Maybe making the movement of the bats a little more fluid and a little more realistic.

    You've got plenty of test pieces, really good ones, so you get an A+ for technical competence. Yay!

    -HJ x
