Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Show and Tell

The show and tell crit today went really well, was a nice different way to crit peoples work and i got some really constructive feedback.

Was also nice to see everyones works out and presented on the tables, i'm realising how must people are doing and to such a high standard. 

  • You need to sort out your imagery for the balloon brief, the layout is nice but the image is still pixelated.
  • sort out the kerning on your balloon brief title, its a bit spacious.
  • Defiantly keep the box white, it keeps more in with the identity of the brief. Would defiantly work with the glow in the dar design on this.
  • Would be nice to see more of the products, even if they are mocked up.
  • Film Festival brief looking really good but the dvd/ticket doesn't really work. 
  • Think it would be better if u had a separate ticket to a dvd as people wont carry the dvd around the festival with them.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Latino Film Festival - DVD case

The design for the DVD case is really simple, a double sided fold case that has the identity on the front and a few small slits inside where the ticket and the film listings will go. Although the identity of this project is Latino and fun and passionate, it needs to look sophisticated for a film festival and look respectable, which is why i have kept this design very clean and crisps and simple. The case is held together my a slip that fits around the middle of the case with the details of what is inside, the idea is that this will fit across the festival circular image in a similar way that the rest of the identity dose.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Latino Film Festival - Film Listings

This small publication is a single page leaflet that will be sent out with the tickets and a DVD of trailers of the films being shown at the festival. 

The cover is simple and clear as is the rest of the media using a small strip of the circular design to link it back to the original designs.

There is a large number of films being shown and I wanted something small and simple to show them rather than pages and pages of them. I decided to put them into these columns as its easy to reference which day you are looking at and can visually see the busy days.

I put the logos on the back of the publication to show the many sponsors of the Festival. I wanted to do something different with them, and also help to fill the page but to show them as more part of the design for the big film festival.

Latino Film Festival - Tickets

I had the idea to make the tickets to the festival into a DVD format relating back to the Film Festival directly. This would have double up as a DVD full of the trailers of the films being shown at the festival as well as the ticket. 

I decided that the disc should only show the bar code and 'ticket' as all the information would be obtainable when the code is scanned, so keeping with the simple design.

Latino Film Festival - Bus Advertisment

These banners are designed to fit on to the advertisement space on buses, as people only see them for a few seconds at a time the identity had to be strong and impacting.

Latino Film Festival - Double street banner

I have chose now to develope the double street banner as i have found out from more research that the majority of street banners in the San Diego area and across America have the double banners. Also this gives me a bit more room to experiment with the design.

I have looked at splitting the image into two across the banners which seems to be working really nice, but i have kept the type on the single side as there is only a small amount of type that works best when it all sits together.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Latino Film Festival - Street Banners

I have been experimenting with these street banners for the festival, these have to be impact banners that portray the identity of the event straight away and give the information easily.

The image is the main focus for this banner as its the strongest identity for the event, but the type has to sit comfortably on top.

Having these coloured boxes to hold the text works really well in holding the type apart from the image, however i feel its draws the attention away from the image a bit to much.

I think this layout is very successfully in fitting in with the rest of the promotional material and keeping the identity recognisable.

Latino Film Festival - Heading Alterations

I was said from a few people in the studio that the type on the poster could be stronger, so I have been experimenting with the different colours and textures i can use.

I  have used the orange and the dark red as the main colours for the type throughout the identity. Here simply using the Orange for the title to make it stand out against the other information.

I have swapped the colours around here and this already works better, its stands out against the image a lot more which is what it needs.

I though i would try and use the texture of the image as to place behind the text. This looks really good on its own but as part of the poster next to the image it is a bit to much as drags away from the information. 
I would like to use this in other aspects of this project though as i can see it working well on its own.

I have decided to go with the dark red type but changed the website to dark red so that it is more prominent.

Latino Film Festival - Poster Format

My original poster format was designed to A2 format, but after more research found that the San Diego posters are 30" x 36" so i have adapted the design for this.

This is the original design.

This is the first adaptation, simply adjusting the format and nudging the design around. However this looks like i have done exact that and look to spacious around the edges.

This works much better as i have adjusted the image so that it fits better within the format. 
This is the poster that i have sent off to the San Diego Latino Film Festival competition.

Latino Film Festival - Image adjustments

I have decided to change the image and just tidy it up a little. The original circle image is a little messy and doesn't line up at the top, also its missing some of the detail at the top which i was unable to get back. 

Here you can see that i have tidied up the edges and have tried to make the image a bit more contained. It has the fire and passion of the Latino Culture but i really want a sophisticated identity for the film festival.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Latino Film Festival - t-shirt ideas

I'v started to design some t-shirts for the festival, they will be for the staff of the festival rather than to buy for people attending the event. 

I tried to come up with something a little different than just a transfer of the image. I think its the last 3 designs are working the best. The type treatments i think work really well on the t-shirt format so i think i will develop one of these 3 ideas.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Latino Film Festival - Image 2

I have decided to develop one of the other images into a poster and see what results i get from this as this was the only other image that i though would be appropriate for this brief. Also i think this design could be applied to a wider range of media.

Its now just a case of adding the right information and laying it out in different ways.

I tried using this coloured box to hold the information, but this looks a lot less like a poster and more like a digital advertisement. 

Latino Film Festival - t-shirt ideas

I have mocked up some t-shirt designs using the pattern and type from the poster but actually finding it quite difficult to use the pattern successfully and so the results of the t shirts are not very good. I want the shirts to reflect the feel of the event, and something people could wear after the festival.
I think i need to narrow this pattern down and make myself some rules for the t-shirt.