Wednesday 10 November 2010

Crit 3 - OUGD301

We had our 3rd group crit today to showcase the work we are up to date with, this was a chance for me to get some opinions on what others in the studio thought about the resolved designs i had been working on. I got some great feedback, lots of constructive comments and was good to hear some positives as well so I understand what people actually react to when they see my work.

Points that were raised:

  • Consider the legibility of the custom made typefaces, 'constellations' is not readable without looking hard.
  • Do your postcards need to be custom, e.g. do you need to be able to write on the back of them? This may come with your context, where are you selling them and who to?
  • Need to consider stock more, how is this going to inform your design?
  • More analysis needed on Design Practice blog
  • Need the written briefs more dominant on your blog
  • Make sure you keep your specified audience in mind when designing
  • Keep your blog up to date, dont fall behind in recording your work
  • Check the position of your planets on your postcards, they dont seem all be centred. 
  • Check grammar and spelling on your work e.g. 1 moons should be 1 moon.
  • Your blog is OVERWHELMING, needs to be organised as its impossible to follow.
  • Do you have any live briefs or competition briefs on the go?
  • Balloon project, the image needs to be reconsidered on the front cover.
  • Would it be possible to spot varnish the planets as well as or instead of glow in the dark? 
  • We really like the crinkled constellation design that you did, could this be something your develop?

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