Monday 1 November 2010

Balloon - Image distortion

Original Cover

The next stage was to work on the images, as i couldn't get hold of any high resolution images i was advised to g the other way. Instead of trying to sharpen up the image, i should distort it more and make it look more intended for the image to be low resolution. 

I have tried all sorts of different effects such as blur, pixelate, noise and image size to achieve a distorted effect.

Cover Adaption 1

Cover Adaption 2

Cover Adaption 3

Cover Adaption 4

Cover Adaption 5

Cover Adaption 6

Cover Adaption 7

Cover Adaption 8

Cover Adaption 9

From all of these adaptations i thing number 4 and 9 work the best, the rest are either really difficult to look at, loose the balloon shapes completely or give the wrong approach to the identity.

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