Monday 8 November 2010

Astronomy - Solar system postcards

I want to show the different planets in order on the front of the postcards, something to distinguish between the cards when they are glowing in the dark. The idea is so that whoever is looking at these will know which card is for which planet before they read the back of it, but also i want them to realise the ration of the planets to each other and the order in which they go in.

each separate planet in the centre of the card

The whole order of the solar system running horizontally across with a single planet highlighted on each card

Similar to before but on a larger scale so that you can see which planets lie to the sides of a certain planet and see the ration of them next to each other.

The whole solar system on card running diagonally across, having a single planet highlighted on each card

Iv changed the colours to a black background and the image in a lime green/yellow as this will give me more of an idea how it will look when it is glowing in the dark.

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