Sunday 14 November 2010

Astronomy - Screen prints 2

I had another go at screen printing the constellation posters to see if i could get a better result. I decided that it could also depend on the stock that i am using weather they glow better, so i managed to get loads of printing down in the digital dungeons and so i have loads of testers that i can play around with.

I have had to try and organise the screen printing as much as i can, as i only have the one tub of ink and so i can't go crazy printing everything i find. So i have to be selective about the images I print and the stocks i print on to.

The results from today are much better than before, i can tell instantly that they are thicker inks because i can see them straight away after printing. I have left them to charge so hopefully i they will glow in the dark!

Fingers crossed

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